The 5 Common SEO Services That Every Company Must Follow

Higher Rank Marketing
3 min readJul 17, 2020


Hiring SEO services for business in this digital era is a great step. Companies are fighting to get the top rank on Google, so, if you do not make it now, you will stay behind forever. Today, due to the advancement of the internet, traditional marketing is no longer in the picture and companies are making utmost attempts to digitally visible.

You will find several companies offering SEO services in the industry, but the unfortunate part is that they all are not on the same platform. So, you should be very particular with the activities that the company you hired is following. It is because you can afford any mistake when promoting your company.

Here, we have mentioned the list of the 5 common SEO services that the firm you hired should engage with. In case any point is getting missed, you should confront the company or ask the SEO experts to include the same in their strategies.

1. Keyword research

The first and foremost service that your company should follow is keyword research. The firm should research the keywords that are relevant to your business and should have a commercial intent. The firm should target these keywords to rank your company on Google. The keyword researched and implemented in SEO techniques should be competitive to offer great results.

2. Page creation

After keyword research is complete, you should ensure that firm has created new pages to rank those keywords. In case the company is trying to rank your website without relevant pages with targeted keywords on your site, there is no chance of ranking. You have to understand that if you don’t have the keywords on the page on your domain, you will not rank. At times of page creation, the content should be unique and comprehensive with the right usage of the keywords.

3. Page optimization

After the pages are created with the targeted keywords, the firm should ensure that they are readable by Google. In case you keep the pages as it without further operation on it, the content will not be of any use. The search engines are like a computer that needs proper command and instructions to follow and let others understand. The SEO experts will make minor and major adjustments on the pages so that they are understood by Google. The companies should work for page optimization.

4. Link Building

Now, you have the targeted keywords on the page and the page is well-optimized; the next thing to do is to earn rankings on Google. Working on the ranking is important because there are likely hundreds or thousands of other pages that contain the same terms. To make Google aware of your existence, you should let it know. And, it can be done by quality and quantity backlinks. It’s a manual process that the firm should conduct properly.

5. Technical Audit

Implementing the SEO services on your website is not enough; the firm should regularly conduct technical audits to know if the SEO strategies are going on the right track. Google has created quite a few tools and standards that allow SEO professionals to provide further details about the site’s content and subject matter. After technical audits, you will get details like Google’s crawler, load time, duplicate contents, and so on.

Hiring SEO services take a major portion of your marketing budget, so, you should ensure that the firm is following the right technique and you will not suffer from any costly mistake.

